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Hollandaise Sauce 荷兰酱的烹饪做法,大厨教你详细做法

美味咖 人气:3.41W
Hollandaise Sauce 荷兰酱的做法步骤图

五大Mother Sauce之一,用emulsion来形成酱汁。


Egg yolks 蛋黄 3
Cold water 冷水 5 tbsp
Clarified butter 澄清黄油 3/4 cup
Lemon juice 柠檬汁 TT 适量
Salt 盐 TT 适量
Cayenne pepper 辣椒 TT 适量

Hollandaise Sauce 荷兰酱的做法  

  1. Whisk together egg yolks, water and 1 tsp of lemon juice in a mixing bowl. 将蛋黄、水和柠檬汁混合在一个碗中用手持打蛋器搅拌。

  2. Cook until thickened over simmer water. Whisk vigorously and don't allow the eggs to scramble. The eggs are completely thickened when you can see streaks from the whisk in the mixture. 开小火在一个加了热水的锅上隔水加热蛋黄,使劲搅拌不要让蛋液在碗壁上起皮。等到用手持打蛋器在混合物中划出一条痕迹后起锅。

  3. Slowly stream in the clarified butter while whishing quickly. 缓缓倒入澄清黄油并快速搅拌。

  4. Season with salt, lemon juice and cayenne pepper to taste. 用盐、柠檬汁和辣椒粉调味。

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