当前位置:美味咖>菜式>菜谱>梅干菜排骨 spare rib with preserved vegetables的烹饪做法,大厨教你详细做法

梅干菜排骨 spare rib with preserved vegetables的烹饪做法,大厨教你详细做法

美味咖 人气:1.91W
梅干菜排骨 spare rib with preserved vegetables的做法步骤图


梅干菜 preserved vegetables 1.5把 handful
排骨 spare ribs 500克 g
糖 sugar 1 tablespoon
盐 salt 1/4 teaspoon
生抽 soy sauce 2 勺 spoon
老抽 dark soy sauce 1勺 spoon

梅干菜排骨 spare rib with preserved vegetables的做法  

  1. 洗净梅干菜,浸泡半小时以上。wash the preserved vegetables and soak for more than half an hour.

  2. 排骨焯水。boil the spare ribs with hot water and wash away all the blood. Take out the spare ribs.

  3. 干炒排骨 stir fry the spare ribs

  4. 加入所有酱料和梅干菜。高压锅40分钟add in all the sauces and the preserved vegetables. With the preserved vegetables on top on the meat. Cook with pressure cooker for 40 minutes.

  5. 开盖煮,收汁。cook with cover opened, until the water dries.

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